Windows on large stone buildingWindows on large stone building
Exterior of rectangular beige buildingExterior of rectangular beige building
Exterior of rectangular beige buildingExterior of rectangular beige building
Exterior of rectangular beige buildingExterior of rectangular beige building
Interior of apartment building with modern accentsInterior of apartment building with modern accents
Interior of apartment building with modern accentsInterior of apartment building with modern accents
Interior of apartment with modern kitchen and furnitureInterior of apartment with modern kitchen and furniture
Interior of building hallway showing bright window at the endInterior of building hallway showing bright window at the end
Interior of building with weathered accents and rugged floorsInterior of building with weathered accents and rugged floors

Brookland Press

809 Channing Place NE, Washington, DC

This project involved adding several stories on top of a former printing plant. Our design differentiates between the existing structure and new construction through setbacks and contrasting façade treatments. We retained old openings in the original structure, restored the exposed concrete, and added energy-efficient windows that evoke the original single-pane industrial sashes. As a result of the careful planning during the schematic design phase, we were able to position rooms so as to highlight the existing structural columns with their dramatic, mushroom-shaped capitals.


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156 Units
145,324 SF




Douglas Development Corporation

Photography © Anice Hoachlander / Dustin Bailey