Mazza Gallerie

5300 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC

Mazza Gallerie, a decommissioned mall in Friendship Heights, Washington, DC, will be reconstructed to become an 8-story, 321-unit apartment building. ECA is the lead architect on the project, working in collaboration with the Danish firm 3XN. The mall’s existing below grade structure will be reused while all above ground construction will be new. Commercial uses will be reintroduced along Wisconsin Avenue and in the first level below grade. Curved bays allow for more space inside units, as well as cutting a striking profile along Wisconsin Avenue. The new Mazza Gallerie will help to revitalize an underutilized corridor and provide a memorable gateway to the city on one of its most important avenues.


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321 Apartment Units
375,000 SF Residential
44,000 SF Retail


Tishman Speyer